Software Versions 9.60A to 9.60W update to 9.60X
9.60B Fixed error that could occur when activating the software as Multi-user.
Fixed bug that prevented users from editing receiver records.
9.60C Simplified the Divisional Overhead Rate definition dialog.
9.60D Infinite Bucket MRP generation can now filter out Non-Inventory floor stock items.
Corrected a bug in the data updater utility that caused incorrect updating if any of the import fields contains a comma.
Fixed an accessibility problem with the Business Entity control on several forms.
Fixed error when using the Return-to-Vendor purchase module option.
9.60E Corrected the variable PLGLEXIST is not found error when returning to vendor from the Receiver module.
Fixed problem with Arena BOM import that could cause blank part descriptions on some parts.
9.60F Fixed a bug that failed to factor in the PO Ratio when displaying the quantity on the Serial⁄Lot entry screen.
9.60G Closed a permissions hole involving Inventory access in several modules.
Fixed issue that prevented the sales order number from being editable on the Sales Order screen.
Improved the PayLink process's ability to handle non-English languages.
9.60H Restored the ability to set a 0% overhead markup rate.
9.60J Fixed potential error 12 when returning cost averaged finished assemblies from WIP.
9.60K Fixed an error 12 when manually entering a Part Number while creating an AR Voucher.
changed the TAB order for the PO Popup message button on the PO screen.
Populate the Descript field and Unit field when a user manually enters an exact match part# on the AP voucher screen.
9.60L Fixed inability to scroll for the next receiver after editing a receiver.
Fixed problem where a duplicate document number dould be created when entering AP Vouchers.
Fixed a problem when linking to external files residing on a different share within the same server.
9.60M Fixed miscalculation of the grand total on the Inventory movement report when showing transaction details.
Fixed an erroneous inventory warning message that could occur when editing a receiver.
9.60N Fixed problem where the PO Approval could not be set within the Corporate Reporting dialog.
9.60P Added the ON DEMAND and MRP AVAILABLE quantity fields to the Inventory scroll window.
9.60Q Restore warning when editing a receiver that has been transacted in Accounting or manually closed.
9.60R Fixed problem changing the receiver numbers entered by users if they are not duplicates.
Fixed Partmast table in use error when performing price mark up for a new receiver.
Fixed formatting problem when inserting Serial Numbers into the invoice comment.
9.60S Fixed problem filtering out completed routing records from the routing report
9.60T Fixed error that occurred when editing a receiver's discount to zero.
9.60U Restored the ALL AREAS option when entering Physical Inventory counts.
9.60V Restored the ability to select the WIP area on the FIFO report.
9.60W Added right click options to the ECN edit-box controls.
Fixed Bug that occurred when changing part number while editing a receiver.
9.60X Fixed error 12 bug when generating a Check Availability report with PO Status.