Software Versions 9.61A to 9.61B update to 9.61C
9.61B Closed a permissions hole involving Inventory access in several modules.
Fixed issue that prevented the sales order number from being editable on the Sales Order screen.
Improved the PayLink process's ability to handle foreign languages.
Add effectivity range warning indicators to the BOM Treeview.
9.61C Fixed inability to set a 0% overhead markup rate.
Fixed potential error 12 when returning finished assemblies from WIP.
Fixed an error 12 when manually entering a Part Number while creating an AR Voucher.
Fixed inability to scroll for the next receiver after editing a receiver.
Fixed error that could occur when attempting to delete or recall an entire BOM definition.
Added the ability to prevent inventory movement during a physical inventory.
Fixed inconsistency with the effectivity date range highlight colorization.
Fixed miscalculation of the grand total on the Inventory movement report when showing transaction details.
Fixed problem where the PO Approval could not be set within the Corporate Reporting dialog
Added the ON DEMAND and MRP AVAILABLE quantity fields to the Inventory scroll window.
Restored warning when editing a receiver that has been transacted in Accounting.
Added ability to print the BOM Treeview.
Fixed relational issues within the BOM Tree-view.