MRP101 Free pc/MRP Tutorial

by Software Arts, Inc.

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Table of Contents - Step by step slide shows
pc/MRP Advanced Features
1.1 Advanced Features, Download Prices Quantity Break, etc Slide Show Video
1.2 File Link Feature Slide Show Video
1.3 CRM (Customer Relationship Management), Step by Step Slide Show Feature Highlights Slide Show
1.4 Purchase Order, Purchase Request, Sales Order, Sales Quote and ECO Approval Signatures Slide Show Video
pc/MRP Installation and Overview
2 Downloading and Installing a copy of pc/MRP Slide Show Video
3.1 pc/MRP Walk-Through Part 1 Entering Addresses, Parts and BOMs Slide Show Video
3.2 pc/MRP Walk-Through Part 2 Entering Sales Orders, Generating an MRP, Purchases Orders, Stockroom Transactions and Invoices Slide Show Video
Address Book Module
4 Entering Vendor and Customer Addresses, Editing and Printing Address Labels and Books Slide Show Video
Inventory Module
5.1 Entering Part Numbers, Printing Part Number Reports and Labels Slide Show Video Price/Quantity Breaks Video
5.2 Running the Audit WIP Option Slide Show Video
5.3 Physical Inventory Slide Show
5.4 Cycle Counts Full and Differential Slide Show
5.5 Cost and Mean Time Between Failure Roll-ups Slide Show
5.6 Outside Manufacturing Slide Show
5.7 Handling Fabricated Parts Method 1 Using Sheets, Rods, Bars Slide Show
5.8 Handling Fabricated Parts Method 2 Using SQ FT, FT, or LBS Slide Show
5.9 Handling Reels Slide Show new
BOM Module
6.1 Entering Bills of Materials, Deleting, and Printing Bills of Materials Slide Show Video
6.2 Audit BOMs Slide Show
6.3 BOM Effectivity Dates Versions 9.36A and Higher Slide Show
6.4 BOM Tree View Screen Version 9.61 and Higher (Beta Version) Slide Show new
Stockroom Module
7.1 Stockroom - Overview and Reports Slide Show Video
7.2 Stockroom - Entering Stockroom Transactions Slide Show
7.3 Stockroom - Receive back Unused Parts from Manufacturing Slide Show
Purchase Module
8.1 Entering Purchase Orders, Printing Purchase Orders and Reports Slide Show Video
Receiver Module
9.1 Entering Receivers, Printing Receivers, Reports and Labels Versions 9.55 and Higher Slide Show new
9.2 Entering Complex Receivers with Assemblies, Serial Lot Numbers, Inspections, Debit Memos, Self Certification Tests Version 9.55 and Higher Slide Show new
9.3 Entering Receivers, Printing Receivers, Reports and Labels Versions 9.54 and Lower Slide Show Video
Sales/Work Order Module
10.1 Entering Sales Orders, Printing Sales Orders, Shippers, and Reports Slide Show Video
10.2 Entering Work Orders Slide Show updated
10.3 Sales Orders and Sales Quote Approvals Slide Show new
Invoice Module
11.1 Entering Invoices, Printing Invoices, Shippers, Labels and Reports Slide Show Video
11.2 Invoice Data Entry Screens Slide Show new
11.3 Handling RMAs Slide Show new
11.4 Automatic EVO Credit Card and ACH Invoice Payments, 100% PCI Compliant Slide Show Video new
Accounting Module
12 Accounting Module Slide Show
Optional Modules
Optional Alternate Currency Module
13.1 Optional Alternate Currency Module Slide Show
Optional Audit Trail Module
13.2 Optional Audit Trail Module Slide Show
Optional Bar Code Module
13.3 Optional Barcode Module, Version 8.50 and lower Slide Show ,Version 860 and higher Slide Show Video updated
Optional Bulk Email Module
13.4 Optional Bulk Email Module Slide Show
Optional Contact Management Module
13.5 Optional Contact Management Module Slide Show
Optional pc/MRP Corporate Enterprise Version
13.6 Optional Corporate Enterprise Synchronization and Reporting Module Slide Show
Optional Dashboard Module
13.7 Optional, Dashboard Module Slide Show
Optional ECN Module
13.8 Optional ECN Module Version 9.32 Slide Show new

Legacy ECN Module Slide Show
Optional EDI Module
13.9.1 Optional EDI (Electronic Data Interchange ANSI X12) Module Slide Show
13.9.2 pc/MRP EDI ANSI X12 Invoice Mapping Specification: 810
13.9.3 pc/MRP EDI ANSI X12 Purchase Order Mapping Specification: 850
13.9.4 pc/MRP EDI ANSI X12 Purchase Order Acknowledgment Mapping Specification: 855
Optional Employee Time Sheet Module
13.10 Optional Employee Time Sheet Module Slide Show
Optional Infinite Bucket MRP Module
13.11.1 Optional MRP Module, Generating an MRP, Printing Time Line and Action Item Reports Slide Show Video
13.11.2 Generating an MRP for Assemblies with Min Quantities Slide Show new
Optional Inspection Module
13.12 Optional Inspection Module Slide Show Video
Optional Advanced Password Module
13.13 Optional Advanced Password Module Slide Show
Optional Purchase Request Module
13.14 Optional Purchase Request Module Slide Show
Optional QuickBooks Desktop Interface
13.15.1 QuickBooks Desktop Interface Overview Slide Show Video
13.15.2 Initial Set-up of the QuickBooks Desktop pc/MRP Interface Slide Show
13.15.3 Testing QuickBooks Desktop, Exporting to QuickBooks Slide Show , Importing from quickBooks Slide Show
Optional QuickBooks Online Interface - In Beta testing
13.16.1 QuickBooks Online Overview Slide Show
13.16.3 Initial Set-up of QuickBooks OnlineSlide Show
13.16.4 Integrating QuickBooks Online with pc/MRP Slide Show
13.16.5 Adding Classes to QuickBooks Online Slide Show
13.16.6 Adding Vendors to QuickBooks Online Slide Show
13.16.7 Backing up and Restoring QuickBooks Online Slide Show
13.16.8 Setting up QuickBooks Online for pc/MRP Certification Tests Slide Show
13.16.9 Importing from QuickBooks Online to pc/MRP Certification Test - Data Set 16 Slide Show
13.16.10 Export Invoices to QuickBooks Online Certification Test - Data Set 7 - 2 Invoices w Tax, Discount, Overhead, Inside and Outside Labor Slide Show
13.16.11 Export Receivers to QuickBooks Online Certification Test - Data Set 12 - 2 Receivers w Tax, Discount, and Freight Slide Show
13.16.12 Export Receivers to QuickBooks Online Certification Test - Data Set 18 - 4 Receivers w DM, Class, Partial Pay, AP Voucher Slide Show
13.16.13 Export Invoices to QuickBooks Online Certification Test - Data Set 19 - 4 Invoices w Multi-tax, Discount, Partial Pay, Class, and AR Voucher Slide Show
13.16.14 Export Receivers to QuickBooks Online Certification Test - Data Set 13 - 2 Receivers w Tax, Discount, Freight and Class Slide Show
Optional Routing Module
13.17 Optional Routing Module Slide Show Video
Optional Sales Analysis Module
13.18 Optional Sales Analysis Estimated Usage/Min Qty Program Slide Show
Optional Sales Quote Module
13.19 Optional Sales Quote module Slide Show
Optional Serial Lot Number Module
13.20 Optional Serial Lot Number Module Slide Show
Optional Tickler and Task Manager Module
13.21 Optional Tickler and Task Manager Module, Send a Msg, Schedule a Reminder, Manage a Project Slide Show new
Optional Web Shopping Site (ShopSite) Integration with pc/MRP
13.22.1 Downloading Sales Orders from Your Website Slide Show Video
13.22.2 Downloading Sales Orders from Your Website using the new API Slide Show new
13.22.3 Installing an Integrated Web Sales Site Slide Show
13.22.4 Uploading Parts and Images to your Web Store Slide Show
13.22.5 Uploading Images to your Web Store Slide Show
Configuration Module, Admin Lockout, Scheduled Tasks, Macros, Custom Reports Labels and Forms
14.1 Configuration Settings and Utilties Module Slide Show
14.2 Set Administrative Lockout Slide Show
14.3 Auto Updating pc/MRP Slide Show
14.4 Activating Your Support Contract Slide Show
14.5 Scheduled Administrative Tasks Slide Shownew
14.6 Creating Custom Reports and Forms Slide Show
14.7 Creating Custom Labels Slide Show ,Custom Bar Coded Labels including 2D QR, 2D DataMatrix, and 2D GS1 Slide Show
14.8 Creating Custom Comments for Forms Slide Show
14.9 Creating Macros Slide Show
14.10 About pc/MRP Slide Show
Export Data
15 Exporting Data out of pc/MRP Slide Show
Importing Data into pc/MRP
16.1 Importing Addresses from an Excel Spreadsheet Slide Show
16.2 Importing Parts from an Excel Spreadsheet Slide Shownew
16.3 Importing BOMs from an Excel Spreadsheet Slide Show Video
16.4 Optional Importing Multi-level BOMs from Agile, Arena, AutoDesk, Solid Works Slide Show
16.5 Importing Vendor Prices Qty Breaks Slide Show
16.6 Importing Sales Orders from an Excel Spreadsheet Slide Show
16.7 Importing/Exporting BOMs with related part numbers and vendors to another copy of pc/MRP Slide Show
16.8 Optional, Importing Parts, BOMs, Vendors, Customers, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders from Parts and Vendors Slide ShowParts and Vendors
16.9 Optional, Data Base Updater, Update multiple fields in a pc/MRP Data Base Table Slide ShowData Updater
16.10 Importing from single column Excel Spreadsheet (Parts and Vendors, Solid Works) Slide Show
16.11 Importing from a calculated column in an Excel Spreadsheet Slide Show
Integration with UPS and Fedex | VFP ODBC Installation
17.1 Creating a pcMRP VFP ODBC DSN allowing UPS, Access, etc. access to pc/MRP data Slide Show
17.2 Integrating pcMRP with UPS WorldShip, Importing shipment info to UPS with pcmrpupd814A.dat file Slide Show Exporting Tracking Numbers to pc/MRP with pcmrpupsexport870.dat file Slide Show Integrating with UPS Wizard Slide Show
17.3 Entering UPS Shipments Slide Show
17.4 Integrating pcMRP with FedEx Ship Manager Slide Show
pc/MRP Technical Support
18.1 Using Go To Assist Remote In Customer Support for pc/MRP Slide Show
18.2 Running the Go To Assist Wizard Slide Show
Repairing Damaged Tables
19 Repairing a Broken Database File Slide Show
Index of Topics #
Accounting 12
Action Items 13.10.1
Addresses 4,3.1,16.1
Admin Lockout 14.2
Admin Tasks 14.3
Advanced Features 1.1,1.2,1.3
Alternate Currency 13.1
Audit Trail 13.2
Audit WIP 5.2
Auto Update 14.2
Barcodes 13.3
BOMs 6.1, 6.2
Bulk Email 13.4
Configuration Settings 14.1
Corporate Reporting 13.5
CRM 1.3
Custom Reports, Labels 14.4,14.5
Cycle Counts 5.4
Dash Boards 13.6
E.C.N. 13.8
EDI 13.9.1
Exporting Data 15,16.7
FedEx 17.4
File Links 1.2
Go To Assist 18.1,18.2
Importing Data 16.1-16.8
Infinite Bucket 13.10.1
Inspection 13.11
Installing 2
Inventory 5.1
Invoicing 11.1
Labels 4,5.1,9,11.1
Links to Files 1.2
MRP 13.10.1
ODBC 17.1
Parts 5.1,3.1,16.2
Passwords 13.12
Physical Inventory 5.3
Purchase Orders 8
Rec. Back Unused Parts from MFG 7.3
Receiving 9.1
Remote-In Support 18.1,18.2
Repairing DB File 19
RMAs 11.3
Routing 13.15
Sales Analysis 13.16
Sales Orders 10.1,3.2,16.6
Sales Quotes 13.17
Serial/Lot No 13.18
Scheduled Admin Tasks 14.3
Stockroom 7.1,7.2,7.3,3.2
Task Manager 13.19
Tickler 13.19
Time Line 13.10.1
Time Sheet 13.9
UPS 17.2,17.3
Utilities 14.1
Walkthrough 3.1,3.2
Web Orders 13.20.1
Work Orders 10.2

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