Free pc/MRP Updates

by Software Arts, Inc.

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For product improvements and bug fixing, Software Arts, Inc provides free updates from time to time. These updates can be downloaded directly from our Web site. Please note that these free updates are for specific versions of pc/MRP only and are not intended for general updating purposes. Before downloading any files please read the instructions provided below.

NOTE: On versions 7.50 and higher users can automatically update pc/MRP by selecting Configuration and Download/Install a new revision from any computer that has internet access or users can follow the instructions below.

It is much easier to automatically update. pc/MRP creates backup copies of the all files it is replacing during an automated update, but it is still best to make a full backup before applying any update.

  • Each update is for a specific version only.
  • Extreme care must be taken to prevent using the wrong update for your version.
  • The instructions are written for users familiar with PC. If in doubt contact Software Arts, Inc.

Updating Instructions

(It is advisable to: [a] read the complete instructions first before updating, [b] print out these instructions so that they are available when you are performing the updating procedure, and [c] follow the steps as they are listed below.)
  • Turn on Admin Lock via the Configuration menu. Wait for all to exit pc/MRP and then exit pc/MRP yourself.
  • Make a backup copy of your pc/MRP directory. If you need help with this Click Here
  • Download the update file into any folder that is easily accessible. To find the correct version look at the table below find your version of pc/MRP and click on the link.
  • Check to make sure that you have downloaded the correct file:
    the name of the update file = manxxxyy.exe where
    is the version number which should be the same as your current pc/MRP version;
    yy (or y) is the revision letter which should be higher than your current pc/MRP letter.
  • Through Windows Explorer find the manxxxyy.exe and double click on that file.
  • Select Browse to find the pcmrpw folder and then press Unzip.
  • Start pc/MRP and if the update reports a Version mismatch error call Software Arts, Inc. You installed a manual update that did not match your version. Reinstall the update (whose main version number matches the main version number of your copy of pc/MRP). If that does not correct the problem, verify that your backup copy of pc/MRP works. If the backup copy works, delete all the files in your pc/MRP directory, copy the backup files back into your pc/MRP directory, and rerun the update with the correct version number.
  • If the update reports an Unable to replace file error call Software Arts, Inc. Either a file was attributed read only, somebody was in pc/MRP during the update or there is a phantom lock on one of the files. Make sure all the files in the pcmrp directory and in your backup directory are unattributed, unlocked, and not in use. Make sure the copy of pc/MRP in your backup directory works. If the backup copy of pc/MRP works, delete all the files in your pc/MRP directory, copy all the files from the backup directory into your pc/MRP directory, and rerun the update.

Software Arts, Inc. requests that all customers update to the latest version and/or revision:

Check your pc/MRP to see whether your current version is on the following list. (The version number is shown on the first page in the title bar when pc/MRP comes up.) If a free update for your version is available, click on the link.

NOTE: The following versions are no longer supported:

  • 6.80BA and earlier
  • 6.82A through 6.85K
  • 7.00A through 7.01AD
  • 7.02A through 7.43C
  • 7.50A through 7.56C
  • 7.60A through 7.61J
  • 7.70A through 7.74Z
  • 7.80A through 7.83T
  • 7.90A through 7.93K
  • 8.00B through 8.04E
  • 8.10A through 8.17D
  • 8.20A through 8.25J
  • 8.30A through 8.33A
  • 8.40A through 8.47E
  • 8.50A through 8.56L
  • 8.60A through 8.64L
  • 8.70A through 8.73Q
  • 8.80A through 8.88K
  • 9.00A through 9.06E
  • 9.10A through 9.14L
  • 9.20A through 9.23D
  • 9.30A through 9.36E

Please call Software Arts, Inc.
to update to the latest version.


NOTE: For versions 8.00 and later, external programs that require 'Read' access to pc/MRP's database files need to use the Visual Foxpro ODBC drivers from Microsoft. Instructions are here.




Please check and update your revision frequently by going to the menu item Configuration and selecting Download/Install a new Application revision. You can download the new revision at any time, but will need to set an Admin Lockout before installing it.

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